Dinafem forced to close by Spanish Authorities

For nearly 2 decades, Spanish cannabis-seed giant Dinafem has sold legal cannabis seeds through both online vendors like KillaBeez Seeds and in local shops. They’ve paid millions in taxes, provided much need jobs to hundreds of employees and supported the cannabis community in too many ways to count.
That all came to a sudden halt on 15 September as Spanish authorities locked Dinafem’s doors, seized the majority of their assets and arrested key members of management, many of whom were taken to jail. In addition to the company’s money, all current seed stock and over 2100 mothers were taken.
That means Dinafem seeds will be hard to come by for the next year or so even if they are absolved from all charges and allowed to resume operations. Hopefully, a few mothers or existing seed stock are hidden away at an unknown location. Otherwise, most of the truly great Dinafem stock like Original Strawberry Cough and White Siberian may be lost forever.